Austin Yoga Lounge

Baby Sleep 101: Expert Tips & Live Q&A
with Kristen Lucas


March 19 (Wednesday)
at 12:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Austin Yoga Lounge

spots left

Struggling with your baby’s sleep? You're not alone! Join us for a live Q&A session with Kristen Lucas, postpartum doula and sleep coach, where you’ll get expert advice on common sleep challenges for babies (0-12 months).

Whether you're navigating frequent night wakings, short naps, early risings, or sleep regressions, Kristen will provide practical, evidence-based tips tailored to your baby’s age and needs. Come with your questions and leave with actionable strategies to help your little one (and you!) get better rest.

💤 Topics Include:
✔️ Encouraging longer stretches of sleep
✔️ Establishing healthy sleep habits
✔️ Managing sleep regressions
✔️ Safe sleep guidelines
✔️ Age-appropriate schedules & wake windows
✔️ And more!

Bring your questions and gain personalized support in a warm, welcoming space!


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