Austin Yoga Lounge

Monthly Mother's Circle
with Kristiana Vuong

May 1 (Wednesday)
at 10:00 am

Class length
60 minutes

Austin Yoga Lounge

Austin Yoga Lounge believes motherhood is better in community, so on the first Wednesday of every month, we open our doors and invite you to join our Monthly Mother's Circle—an intimate gathering for moms, whether you're a new parent or navigating the journey with more than one little one. Find your village. 

It is a space where we connect, share experiences, and build a supportive community. Join us for heartwarming discussions, expert insights on topics like infant care and self-care, and the joy of witnessing babies forming their first friendships. Celebrate the triumphs and navigate the challenges of motherhood together. Come, connect, and embrace the journey with open hearts and arms.

You are welcome if you are still pregnant, newly postpartum, or in the trenches of motherhood with toddlers. For those with mobile toddlers, remember the studio space is not baby-proofed. 

Let us know you're coming and RSVP!  


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